Friday, February 03, 2012


So, since last time I wrote, I was laid off at the church for financial reasons, Abby turned 1, and we decided to move to CA to live with my in-laws for a few months while Jesh works on his topics and dissertation and looks for a full-time job! Wow, right? It's been a crazy ride but God is good and faithful. We started going to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's church and got plugged into a community group. Some of the ladies from that invited me to their MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group! If you've never heard of MOPS, it is a Christian-led organization that ministers to groups of moms with young children. We meet twice a month for food, fellowship, speakers, games, and giveaways. Child-care is included! I've only been to two official meetings so far and two outings with my table friends and it's been pretty great so far! Abby & I keep busy by going to Wiggleworms Story Time at the library and visiting playgrounds! She particularly loves the slides. I have also done some tutoring for Jesh's teenage cousins and I cook for us plus my in-laws at least twice a week. Abby takes steps here and there and likes to walk holding onto our fingers. Her daily jobs are walking out to the mailbox, key in hand, and emptying the silverware container from the dishwasher. Lately she's desperate to empty the plates and glasses as well. Makes Mama's heart a little anxious but no broken dishes yet! Jesh, in addition to working on his topics, is teaching part-time at the junior college in town and directing the music for a high school musical production this spring!

The future looks pretty uncertain but the Lord has always been faithful in provision and guidance so we will continue to trust in Him and praise Him!!!!

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