Sunday, December 02, 2012

A Letter to My Blog

Dear Blog,

Hello! Long time no see! Actually I wanted to apologize for not talking to you in so long. You see, I've been a little busy. My husband got a new job so June 1st we moved across the country from CA to IL to a small town (as in there's a gas station, an antique store/coffee shop, and a bank, a post-office and library that are all open part time hours). It's actually very nice to have a slower paced life right now. In addition to the move, the adjusting to the new job and getting settled in a new place, I have a toddler in my care! I recently saw a quote about how having a toddler is like running the blender with the lid off!  : ) Abby is now 2 and fully in the swing of saying no and exploring all manner of things including her independence! She loves to read and sing and listen to the Gaithers and bagpipes and kid songs! She keeps me hopping! In addition to all that I'm due with our second child in only 2 weeks! I have officially reached the "I'm done now, thank you very much!" stage of pregnancy. My husband has been incredibly loving and supportive especially this week when I was sobbing and/or extremely uncomfortable. 2 more weeks....and I can meet our little Caleb Robert! Very excited and ready to experience a different kind of tired.

So there you go, Blog. All of that is why I've been neglecting you. I do hope to speak to you more often now that I've gotten this update of the past 5 months or so done! Ha!  ; )

Your creator,



  1. um, i wish i could believe that you'll talk to your blog more often now, but once caleb comes I think it will be awhile. ;) but your readers will be happy to hear from you whenever you are able to post.

  2. Welcome back! And I would love for you to blog again after Mr. Caleb is born so I can get that warm and fuzzy feeling that only happens from seeing pictures of little babies!
